A perfect straight smile is often thought of as a luxury, not a necessity. However, medical research studies reported in the Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics suggest that teeth which are crooked, stained or have other problems may be indicators of other health problems.

Crooked and crowded teeth are harder to keep clean, even with regular brushing and flossing. This makes it easier for plaque and tartar to build up, which causes more bacteria to accumulate around the teeth. Which in turn can cause the teeth to be more susceptible to tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loos. A misaligned jaw bite can also cause abnormal wear on the surfaces of your teeth, speech impediments and excessive pressure on the jawbone and gum tissue.

In addition, your oral health is an indicator of whole-body health problems. Research indicates a link between gum disease and other overall health issues.  Your oral health may affect, be affected by or contribute to a number of diseases including:

  • Endocarditis- when the bacteria from your gums enter your blood stream
  • Cardiovascular disease- Including heart disease, clogged arteries and stroke
  • Premature birth & low birth weight
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Alzheimer’s disease

Luckily, there are preventative measures you can take to protect both your oral and overall health. Practice good oral hygiene at home and schedule regular check-ups. In addition, Anthony Martin Dentistry provides a wide range of cosmetic procedures that will improve the look and health of your smile. A few of the areas we specialize in include:

A healthy smile is an investment to your overall health. Teeth that are well cared for provide physical and mental benefits. When teeth are correctly aligned, they make your mouth more comfortable and healthy, and a straight smile increases your self-confidence. Schedule your complimentary appointment today and see what the dental team at Martin Dentistry can do for you!